Mike & Lani West will donate $500 to The Band of Angels for every home they sell in Trilogy!
Here is how The Band of Angels – “Trilogy’s Helping Hands” are assisting Trilogy residents:
Angel volunteers are available to help residents in the community who have been ill, injured, or experienced the loss of a loved one. Angel Contact Group Volunteers provide the following types of contacts to Trilogy residents: mail a special handmade get well card to a resident who experienced an illness; make a phone call to check in on a resident; make a friendly visit to check in with the resident; deliver a special hand-made card and angel to a resident who has been seriously ill, injured or has experienced the loss of a loved one.
Daily Check-In – Angel volunteers make a daily phone call to ensure Trilogy residents who are living alone are doing well. If you know of a neighbor or friend who is living alone and might not be aware that this service is available, we encourage you to let them know or assist them in making the first contact.
Blood Pressure Check– Mark your calendars for the first Tuesday of every month. Registered nurse volunteers will take your blood pressure in the Cafe from 10 to 11 am. You likely already know that high blood pressure usually has no symptoms, so make sure yours is within the guidelines.
Equipment – They have equipment available for residents and their guests to borrow for up to 90 days. This includes commodes, wheelchairs (both transport and traditional), walkers, seated walkers, shower chairs, knee scooters, bed rails, wheelchair ramps, canes and crutches, ice machines, etc. Also available to borrow are room monitors, two with cameras, as well as a bed wedge.
Haircuts for Homebound– There is a hairstylist to contact to come to your home in the evening or Sunday for a complimentary haircut.
Minor Home Maintenance – KEEP OFF THE LADDER! Volunteers help with replacing batteries in smoke alarms, replace light bulbs, add salt to the softener and other simple tasks.
Resources – Angels can provide information or help with forms for needed services such as transportation to medical appointments, home-delivered meals, home care, etc. We have a kiosk located in the Trilogy Library with brochures and other information.
Band of Angels, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and accepts donations year-round to support the Trilogy residents.